Free Downloads 
Presentations and Forms
Feel free to click on any of the orange titles to download a .pdf document or presentation.
Make sure to check out the "Radio Show" page because most of the downloads have a Radio Show that discusses the download in more detail.

Church Welcome Assessment
The "Church Welcome Assessment" can be used to look at various areas of congregational life and improve your ability to truly welcome people with autism and other disabilities.

Autism and Your Church
This presentation explores some of the unique characteristics of the Body of Christ and how it is the perfect place of welcome for people with autism and other disabilities.

Inclusion Classroom Assessment
This assessment will help you assess your classroom to determine what may be needed to make it more inclusive.
Toilet Training Strategies
Read about some great, evidence-based strategies for toilet training.
Sensory "Diet" Activities
A checklist of various sensory activities to help calm a person with autism.
Individualized Religious Education Plan
A sample IREP based on an IEP concept.
Is Your Child At Risk For Wandering Away?
Here are some useful safety strategies for children who wander away from home.
Excluding People With Disabilities From The Church
This presentation discusses the process of how a child with a autism becomes socially de-valued or excluded. An understanding of this process will help you to become a stronger advocate for inclusion.